"The only real stumbling block is the fear of failure. In cooking, you have got to have a what-the-hell attitude." ~ Julia Child

The experimentor: Sour soup and orange schlap slap

by Julie Tilsner on February 12, 2010

in Adventures in Parenting

Sour-face-lemon It was a proud day for me as the Bad Home Cook. Never mind about the mess in my kitchen. That's what I pay my cleaning lady for.

The boy spent some hours this week experimenting on a host of recipes involving pilfered citrus fruits from our neighbor's tree. He and his friend Natalia came up with two taste sensations: sour soup and a concoction he calls "Orange Schlap Slap."

His slogan for these flavor assaults? "Prepare to be soured."

If he doesn't go on to be the next celebrity chef, then at least my kid's got a future in advertising.

Here's the first recipe, written in his own hand:

Sour soup:

Two spoons of sugar

3 dabs of sugar

8 grapes (squeeze the juice into a cup)

2 lemons (squeeze the juice into a cup)

3 oranges (squeeze the juice into a cup)

Serves one.

Note: If you drink it all in one gulp, your throat will burn.

Note: To save your throat from burning, eat sugar.

Orange Schlap Slap is a variation on this soup, featuring, you guessed it, more orange.

Fortunately I wasn't bound by motherhood to venture more than a sip. 

And what do you know? A teaspoon of sugar really does make the medicine go down…

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Amy Yannello February 12, 2010 at 12:35 pm

Sounds like a real “kids'” meal!! Hooray for the boy…he’s got his mama’s penchant for adventure in the kitchen. 😀


LWH February 13, 2010 at 10:02 am

And his dad’s penchant for ridiculous advertising slogans. “Prepare to be soured”. ROTFLMAO.


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