"The only real stumbling block is the fear of failure. In cooking, you have got to have a what-the-hell attitude." ~ Julia Child

BHC Seal of Approval: The Butter Boy

by Julie on August 8, 2011

in BHC Seal of Approval


happy as a Butterboy

Oh Butter Boy. Where have you been all my life?

And to think how many years I used a knife to rub butter over corn on the cob. It was messy, but functional.  Not a lot of fun, though.

Just a week or so ago, I was in New England with the nits, staying at my cousin’s idyllic rural estate. We had just bought a mountain of corn from the guy in the next field.  We cooked it up, pulled it out of the pot…

And out came two Butter Boys.

As you can see in the photo on the left, a Butter Boy is a clever little device by which you can butter your corn cob with no muss and no fuss AND a little smile on your face.

Why am I almost always the last to know about such inventions?

Indeed, my only quibble is that you have to cut your stick of butter quite thin to get it up into the Butter Boy’s, ah, bottom. Yes, here’s where I could make all manner of off-color innuendo but I have decided to not go there. I’m not going to invert the name of this product, either, because that’s another product of another color…and look, there I go. EYES BACK HERE!

The kids, however, innocent of such things, were delighted with the charms of the Butter Boy. They begged that we buy a Butter Boy of our own, and of course I approved. What could I do? It’s still corn season.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Amity Riha August 8, 2011 at 12:59 pm

May we please see a butter boy demonstration video. I am a little confused on how he operates.


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