"The only real stumbling block is the fear of failure. In cooking, you have got to have a what-the-hell attitude." ~ Julia Child

I can’t find my kitchen…

by Julie Tilsner on February 25, 2009

in Good Ideas Gone Bad

Julie is clueless
This is the kind of month it’s been:

I returned from a visit to New England with recipes in hand. My cousin’s amazing white bread, which my son has taken to calling “that bread,” which is, according to him, “crunchy on the outside and soft and warm and good-smelling on the inside.”

I can’t find the recipe.

I was going to make her incredible Newport-style home-made granola.

I can’t find the recipe.

Her kids’ favorite quick week-night meal, vegetarian chili?

Can’t find the recipe.

All I have for you is a cautionary tale about “seasoning expertly,” in which I attempted an ad hoc pasta dish using butter and fresh thyme…and killed it with half a handful too much sea salt.

I don’t even have a photo to show you.

But bear with me. Between crazy crazy crazy work and travel and more work and then falling victim to my kids’ terrible flu, I can be forgiven for being just a little more disorganized than usual. I am digging out from under. A real post is in the making.

I promise. Now wish me luck in finding my camera…


{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

ATriana February 26, 2009 at 10:35 am

Oh Julie, higgledy-piggledy!


Kristen February 26, 2009 at 6:57 pm

You are most forgiven and loved even more for being so normal 🙂


Kandella11 March 4, 2009 at 6:10 pm

Uh… we went to new HAMPSHIRE, remember? And that cute picture of the green-haired girl with a question mark? I’m pretty sure that’s YOTSUBA from the comics.


Adri March 12, 2009 at 12:21 pm

If you oversalt a pasta sauce again or a soup, you can save it by peeling a potato and letting it simmer for about 15 minutes in said sauce or soup. The salt will glom onto the potato, you remove the potato, and voila! You’ve worked a minor culinary miracle 🙂


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