"The only real stumbling block is the fear of failure. In cooking, you have got to have a what-the-hell attitude." ~ Julia Child

Soup Swap: The procrastinator

by Julie Tilsner on January 23, 2008

in Good Ideas Gone Bad, Soup is Easy

Has this ever happened to you?

Get in your car to go to the store to buy ingredients for a dinner party of sorts, at your house, the next day. Realize you forgot your ingredient list. Decide you can wing it at the store.

Go to Trader Joe’s, buy the ingredients you need for a certain soup you’re going to try again.

Get home. Deal with kids. Find the list and realize you didn’t buy several key ingredients.

Drive to Ralphs. Buy more ingredients, but fail to find several items, such as fresh oregano and bay leaves. Note the price of eggs.

Drive back to Trader Joe’s to buy cheaper, better eggs. And they’ll probably have the herbs you need, too.

Find that Trader Joe’s doesn’t have the herbs. And there are only two checkers open, and you’re in a hurry, and hell, you can come back and buy the eggs tomorrow.

Return home. Open a bottle of Two-Buck Chuck and decide to try recipe anyway.

Realize you do not have enough red lentils
That means you will have to go to Little India tomorrow, to buy more red lentils. Maybe they will have bay leaves. Probably not oregano, though.

After a glass of wine, decide to start a test batch of soup, with half the ingredients, just to get an idea of what it might taste like. The Soup Swap you’ve been planning for is tomorrow, and you really meant to start this soup before now. After all, 11 women, including several current and former PTA members and local pillars of the community will be in attendance.

Realize, after you start washing the lentils, that not only do you not have several key herbs, you don’t have any vegetable stock, either.

Realize with a certain sinking feeling, that Trader Joe’s is now closed, and you can’t bear driving back to Ralph’s or Von’s.

Remember the Aunt Vere’s Slush you promised various pillars of the community. Realize you don’t have several key ingredients for that, either.

Curse yourself bitterly. Decide the best course of action is to drink more wine and deal with it all tomorrow. Remember that Kelli told you it was OK if you don’t have a soup to swap because, after all, you’re lending your house for the cause.

Soup swap is TODAY! Stay tuned.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Elfini January 23, 2008 at 12:54 pm

No soup for you!
(sorry – but someone had to say it)


Jeff Jones January 23, 2008 at 8:52 pm

LOL-Uh, excuse me. You forgot my bread(Just let it go, George).
I’d like to say it never happened to me but that would be a lie.


BaddAss MisterJ January 23, 2008 at 11:16 pm

You know you oughtta consider a soup that has WINE in it cause for some reason you never forget to put that “2-Buck Chuck” in the cart


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