"The only real stumbling block is the fear of failure. In cooking, you have got to have a what-the-hell attitude." ~ Julia Child

There’s nothing to make tonight…

by Julie Tilsner on January 29, 2007

in Good Ideas Gone Bad


Oh, but there is.

Here’s a website that uses what you have in your pantry and sends you recipes.

It’s a cool idea. But it has flaws.

For example: I have lemons. And I have rice (among other items, but work
with me here). It offered up a recipe for lemon rice, that sounded very
tasty and actually like something my kids might eat. Except that I
never learned that pesky metric system.

What’s 500 ml of water? I’m
sure there’s a way to Google it and find out (what did we do before
Google, anyway?) but my Google is upstairs and my kitchen is
downstairs, and you know, that’s just too much effort for the Bad Home
Cook to expend.

I apparently have all the necessary ingredients to
make French onion soup as well. But a quick read of the recipe on offer
suggests maybe I don’t want to attempt this particular French onion
soup. Besides being ignorant of all the pertinent metric measurements,
it says I should use a stock cube (red flag!!) and throw in a cup of
wine. What kind of wine? Doesn’t say. Hmmm.

Upon closer inspection, I suspect this is a site out of Britain. I do notice a lot of dodgy-sounding recipes.

Maybe I should just try it and see what happens. Could be a giggle.

I still have no idea what to make the nits tonight. Maybe I’ll just take
them for fast food. I can have a glass of wine and call that dinner.
Grapes, yes?

I always loved the idea of the liquid meal. Holly Golightly did it in front of Tiffany’s. Why can’t I carry on the tradition?

Oh, and in the interest of finding things to make for the nits every night, I’ve started blogging at  www.kidscuisine.net, which is part of the Well Fed network. It’s gonna be fun!

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

AT January 30, 2007 at 10:13 am

How can I assist in bringing Google closer to your fingertips in the kitchen?


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