"The only real stumbling block is the fear of failure. In cooking, you have got to have a what-the-hell attitude." ~ Julia Child

White Chocolate Oreo Bark: The Teenager Made me do it…

by Julie on December 5, 2012

in Sugar and Spite, Sweet!

OK, I didn’t want to do this, but the teen was begging, pleading, and hell, I needed a blogpost. So…


white chocolate chip bark

white chocolate chip bark

She saw it on this blog. I didn’t think she read cooking blogs, but she does frequent Tumblr. Which aggregates. Which often gives her ideas….

Two ingredients. Two. That would be white chocolate chips and a package of Oreo cookies. The Oreos, especially, are an exceptionally rare treat. I don’t buy them. Ever. So agreeing to have them in the house is momentous in itself.

Oreos and white chocolate chips

All you need is love…

Rig up your fake double boiler and gently melt the chocolate chips.

Let the boy do it. He will thank you. And also learn a useful skill.

Put the melted chocolate in a dish to let cool for five minutes.

Take 15 Oreo cookies and smash them. Not gently.


Mix them into the chocolate.

Put parchment paper into an 8 X 8 pan so there’s a 1-inch overhang on all sides (you will need to pull out the bark when it’s chilled). dollop the mixture into this with a spatula.

Sprinkle the top with crushed Oreos.

Let it chill in the ‘fridge for 10 or 15 minutes, or until the chocolate hardens again.

It’s that easy…

Your kids will dance around you, singing your praises.

If you’re not me, you could chop this up into uniform pieces and present it to somebody on a festive dish or in a basket with a little bow or something.

Don’t look to me for that sorta Martha treatment, though. I’m impressed enough that I can make bark.


Update: Both kids came home from school today reporting that their friends loved the bark and are begging for more. So I guess it’s a world-wide hit among the school-aged set.  Also, major sibling strife has arisen over who gets to eat the rest of the Oreos…It’s like crack around here.

Take that into account before you make these.






{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

saltandserenity January 13, 2013 at 10:50 am

It’s amazing what pressure from our teens will cause us to do! Congrats on being a hero for the day. Enjoy it while it lasts.


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