"The only real stumbling block is the fear of failure. In cooking, you have got to have a what-the-hell attitude." ~ Julia Child

What I Ate on My Summer Vacation

by Julie on July 30, 2011

in Travel

Summer vacation in New Hampshire. Lots of eating and plenty of drinking. Here’s what I did just tonight and yeah, I could be blogging about it but like I said, I’m on vacation…

corn on the cob

Farm fresh

Tonight we ate a ridiculous amount of corn, fresh picked this morning from the guy who grows it, over in the next field. We thought 30 ears might be too much, but there were eight of us at dinner tonight, and something about freshly cooked corn on the cob…it went down easy. All gone!

mason glass, gin and tonic

How mason jars stay relevant...

And we had the first of several delicious gin & tonics

blueberry pie

Fast and easy bloob pie

Followed by pie that my cousin made lickety split. Blueberry pie. Because it’s that time of the year. More on this later.

And actual recipes later. For now, I’m digesting.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

paula hennig July 31, 2011 at 5:57 pm

Sounds like the perfect summer dinner to me!! yum!


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